
Farm Bureau Gives Back: Fighting Hunger in Local Communities

Farm Bureau Gives Back: Fighting Hunger in Local Communities

A recent report from USDA’s Economic Research Service (Household Food Security in the United States in 2018) revealed that the prevalence of food insecurity declined nationwide, for the first time, to the pre-recession (2007) level of 11.1%. In other words, over the last few years, more U.S. households are becoming food-secure – meaning they have access to enough food for an active and healthy lifestyle.

In non-metropolitan or rural areas, the rate of food insecurity has also declined over the past few years and is currently 12.7% (down from 15% in 2016). Despite this progress, work remains to be done, which is why state and county Farm Bureaus across the nation continue to fight hunger in local communities.

A round-up of successful Farm Bureau initiatives conducted in 2019, including raising money and creative food donation and preparation efforts, is below.


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