Homelessness Prevention

HCAA screens homeless individuals in Harford County to be placed in the Welcome One Shelter, operated by Faith Communities and Civic Agencies United (FCCAU).  The FCCAU Shelter has 27 male beds and 6 female beds.  During freezing weather months, screening for homeless residents includes motel placement or placement into the emergency rotating shelter, according to Harford County’s Freezing Weather Plan.

Based upon the time of the program year and hardship, funds for direct service can and will be limited. HCAA operates 100% under local, state and federal grants and all have specific guidance for use. 

Am I Eligible for Homeless Services?

FY 2025 Income Limits

Criteria for Homeless Prevention & Rapid Re-Housing Program Assistance

                       FY 2025 30% of Median – HSP Grant Funds
1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 Person 6 Person 7 Person 8 Person
$25,700 $29,350 $33,000 $36,650 $39,600 $42,550 $47,340 $52,720


                       FY 2025 80% of Median – ERAP Grant Funds
1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 Person 6 Person 7 Person 8 Person
$68,450 $78,200 $88,000 $97,750 $105,600 $113,600 $121,250 $129,050


Homeless Prevention Services Criteria

  • At Risk of Homelessness Status e.g. eviction notice or ledger documentation from landlord.
  • Has an annual income that does not exceed 30% of AMI when using State HSP funds or 80% when utilizing ERAP funding.

Homeless Prevention Assistance & Documentation Needed

  • A completed SSP homeless prevention application completed by head of household.
  • Photo ID for head of household.
  • Social security cards for entire
  • Last 30 days of income for entire household which may include earned income, Social Security Administration disability or retirement benefits, child support, Temporary Cash Assistance and general assistance from natural supports. If no income is reported, please have head of household complete a zero-income affidavit for their file.

Updated (Same as program year) and signed W-9 form from the landlord. Payment purposes.

ERAP Eligibility:

  • Rent Status:  Tenant obligated to pay rent on a residential dwelling
  • Income:  Household income at or below 80% of Median Area Income as defined by HUD
  • Financial Hardship:  One or more individuals qualified for unemployment assistance OR experienced a reduction in household income, incurred signficant costs, or other financial hardship due, directly or indirectly, to the COVID19 outbreak
  • Housing Instability: Demonstrated risk of housing instability, which may include:
    • A past due utility or rent notice or eviction notice
    • Unsafe or Unhealthy living conditions OR
    • Any other evidence of such risk, as determined by DHCD

Homeless Prevention – Eligibility

  • A completed SSP application that summarizes the homeless prevention request from the head of household.
  • Photo ID for head of household.
  • Social security cards for entire household
  • Last 30 days of income for entire household which may include earned income, Social Security Administration disability or retirement benefits, child support, Temporary Cash Assistance and general assistance from natural supports.
  • Eviction notice or memorandum from landlord indicating at-risk status which can include a current ledger.
  • Updated (Same as program year) and signed W-9 form from the landlord. 

Rapid Re-Housing Program Eligibility

  • A completed SSP application that summarizes the Rapid Re-Housing Program assistance request from the head of household.
  • Any household living in a place not meant for habitation i.e. tent encampment, outside dwelling place or personal vehicle.
  • Any household exiting from a congregate shelter or transitional housing provider.
  • Any household that is fleeing, or is attempting to flee a domestic violence situation.
  • Any households residing in hotels/motels paid for by churches, charitable organizations or by federal, state and local government programs within the last 30 days.
  • Any household exiting an institution where they resided for 90 days or less and who resided in an emergency shelter or place not meant for human habitation immediately before entering that institution. NOTE: HCAA’s Coordinated Access will need to confirm the housing status prior to the institution stay before RRH services are provided.

Once Rapid Re-Housing Program services are provided, what’s next?

  • For RRH, approved households will have to identify and apply for an affordable housing opportunity that meets their overall preferences.
  • Each household can request the Supportive Services Program housing resources list to assist with housing identification in Harford County.
  • RRH Households should be actively addressing housing barriers such as personal credit, vital records and proof of income for application processes.
  • Most housing in Harford County requires households to have access to identification, birth certificates and social security cards for ALL household members, and income verification documents.

Homeless Services
Homelessness Prevention assistance is for households at risk of homelessness. Homelessness prevention assistance is intended to provide housing stabilization services necessary to prevent an individual or family from moving into an emergency shelter, the streets, or a place not meant for human habitation.

Rapid Re-Housing
Rapid Re-Housing Program (RRH) assists household(s) who are living on the street, in their vehicles, coming out of shelter or fleeing domestic violence with housing location assistance, with security deposit and first month’s rent.

Note: Third Party verification will be required to confirm housing status from other service providers in order to establish RRH criterion.

Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH)

The PATH Program is administered by the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS), a component of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The PATH Program is a voluntary program that aims to serve individuals with serious mental illness, including co-occurring substance use disorders, who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless.

PATH services include community-based outreach, case management, and other support services, such as linkage to mental health, substance use treatment and community-based housing services. To conclude, please add contact PATH Case Manager, JR Clark at 443-617-1969 or jclark@harfordcaa.org.

Concerned Citizens Form
Have you seen someone who may need our assistance? Please contact us directly so that we can see if assistance is necessary.

Continuum of Care

The Continuum of Care program is designed to assist sheltered and unsheltered homeless people by providing the housing and/or services needed to help individuals move into transitional and permanent housing with the goal of long-term stability.

Apply For Services
Apply for Services through Harford Community Action Agency.