Homeless Services
Homelessness Prevention assistance is for households at risk of homelessness. Homelessness prevention assistance is intended to provide housing stabilization services necessary to prevent an individual or family from moving into an emergency shelter, the streets, or a place not meant for human habitation.
2022-2023 Freezing Weather Plan
Apply for Homeless Services
If you are experiencing homelessness in Harford County, please click the button below to apply for services.
If you are experiencing homelessness in a jurisdiction adjacent to Harford County, please contact the applicable Coordinated Entry point listed below:
- Baltimore City: The Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services (MOHS) Call the Coordinated Entry line at 443-984-9540.
- Baltimore County: Coordinated Entry line (410) 887-8463. **In danger due to a Domestic Violence Emergency and need shelter? Please call (410) 828-6390.
- Cecil County: Meeting Ground operates the Cecil County Coordinated Entry System. The Coordinated Entry line for people who are experiencing homelessness shelter is 410-996-3096.
- For intimate partner situations only….Cecil County Domestic Violence Shelter 410-996-0333 24/7 line.
If you are experiencing homelessness in Harford County, please click the button below to apply for services.