With inflation hitting 7.9 percent in February (a 40-year high) and food costs soaring the same amount year over year, getting groceries for you and your family is a lot pricier these days. Just how much depends on which state you live in. Food prices tend to be local, driven by supply and demand. That results in a price disparity from one city to the next.
Supply chain issues left over from the pandemic, skyrocketing gas prices, increased labor costs and strong consumer demand are all contributing to the surge in prices for everything from produce to poultry, with no end in sight. “The supply chain is not quite smoothed out yet, and the war isn’t helping,” Ilyce Glink, founder and CEO of financial wellness program Best Money Moves, says of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “When it comes to food, there’s not enough to go around, so prices will be a challenge for a while.”
Saving money at the grocery store may require a bit of creativity in this environment, but it isn’t impossible. There are several ways to reduce your grocery bill, including these seven strategies: