Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP)

HCAA helps Harford County residents keep the power on — through the Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP).  MEAP provides financial assistance with home heating bills.  Payments are made directly to the fuel supplier and energy company on the customer’s behalf.

The Cold Beer, Warm Heart fundraiser will help ensure that our neighbors stay safe and warm this winter.

Cold Beer, Warm Heart – Energy Assistance Drive

When:  October 2020

Harford County’s breweries are joining HCAA in helping to keep the power on!

With their help (and yours), HCAA is providing Energy Assistance to Harford County’s low-income households — to help families stay warm, connected, and help pay past due energy bills.


How to Participate

General Public

We’re having special “Cold Beer, Warm Heart” growlers made that we’re giving to the breweries — they will give them away to customers for free, with a purchase of a 32 oz. fill of beer.  They will be donating $2 from that purchase, as well as every refill of this special growler during the month of October!

Starting October 1st, come on out to the participating breweries — pick up your growler while supplies last — and you’ll be contributing to a great cause each time you fill it up (in October)!

Participating Breweries

Thank you sponsors!

Every $10 of sponsorship money puts another growler into circulation!  We are grateful to Harford County’s amazing breweries and the sponsors that make this effort possible!

Title Sponsor

Porter Sponsor

Ale Sponsor

Lager Sponsors

Thomas M. Wagner & Associates
Would you like to be a sponsor for the Cold Beer, Warm Heart campaign?

Please fill out the form below!

    Porter Sponsorship - $1,000IPA Sponsorship - $750Ale Sponsorship - $500Lager Sponsorship - $250Other

    Sponsorship Opportunities

    HCAA is having special growlers made for the campaign.   The number of growlers will be directly related to the sponsorships.  (If we have $2,500 worth of sponsorships, we will get 250 growlers — $5,000 worth of sponsorships, we will get 500 growlers).

    Growlers procured through sponsorships will either be 1) provided to the breweries to give out to their patrons, or 2) provided to the sponsor to distribute as they see fit.

    People will get the free growler when they buy 32 oz. fill of any of the beers available (for the brewery’s regular rate).  The brewery will donate $2 for each fill sold.

    e.g. “Get a free 32 oz growler, with a beer of your choice — $13!  $2 will be donated to HCAA to provide energy assistance to Harford County citizens in need!  ($2 on every refill during the month of October will also go to HCAA)”

    1. We are currently seeking sponsors. Title Sponsor ($4,000) has been sold (ixi)
    2. Growlers that sponsors haven’t requested to distribute themselves will be distributed to the breweries (as will the coasters).
    3. HCAA will promote the campaign throughout October — on our social media properties, Facebook groups, Beer Fairy group, HCAA properties, etc.
    4. HCAA will point the domain to the campaign page for the month that it runs