
Let our trained community volunteers help you resolve conflict and find win-win solutions.

Why Try Mediation?

Saves Money:  Mediation avoids attorney fees and court costs.

Save Time:  Reduces police interaction, time spent in conflict, and missed time from work and school.

Convenience:  Daytime, evening or weekend sessions can be held in neutral locations like libraries, schools, and community centers.

Limits Future Conflict:  Mediation results in a plan to avoid conflict and/or handle future disputes.

Risk-free:  If mediation does not work for you, you still have the right to pursue relief through the courts, police, and other agencies.

What Kinds of Disputes Can Be Mediated?

Neighborhood – Noise, property, pets, community concerns

Interpersonal/Family – Parent/ teen, siblings, friends, guardianship, proactive family planning

Business – Employee/employer, owner/customer, business partners and co-workers

Landlord/Tenant – HOAs, neighborhood conflict, court referrals

Collaborative Parenting – NOT including custody or domestic violence issues.

When & How Can I Get Started?

Mediation can begin at any stage in a conflict.

Anyone can initiate mediation, including individuals, friends, family, the courts, police, civic groups, community organi- zations, and government agencies.

Fill out the Mediation Program Request and return it to HCAA to determine if mediation is appropriate for your conflict. HCCA will contact all parties to see if they will agree to mediation. If so, a mediation session will be scheduled as soon as possible.